








  subjective idealism 主观唯心主义 ; 主观唯心论 ; 主观观念论 ; 主观的观念论

  subjective test 主观性测试 ; 主观测验 ; 主观测试 ; 主观型考试

  subjective brightness 主亮度 ; 舟亮度 ; 亮度 ; 主观亮度

  subjective item 主观题 ; 主观要件 ; 主观试题

  subjective judgement 主观判断 ; 经验法则与主观判断法 ; 主观评判

  subjective testing 主观测试评价 ; [试验] 主观测试 ; 主观性测试

  subjective freedom 主观的自由 ; 主观自由 ; 主体自由

  subjective evaluation 主观评价 ; 主观评 ; 主客观评价 ; 主观估计

  subjective utility 主观效用 ; 主观利益

  In other words, we are treating people as if they weren't subjective, but instead were machines.


  2.It's true and sensible, as far as it goes, but also obvious and frustratingly subjective.

  3.This is highly subjective, of course, but Georgetown Cupcake and Godiva both emerged as crowd favorites.

  4.Chasing down the best fish and chips in London is definitely a subjective affair.

  5.KLD, whose database contains an analysis of 3, 000 companies, combines quantitative and subjective measures of citizenship.

  6.It's harder to measure quality in more subjective fields such as interior design or hair styling.

  7.Mr Parker said visitors did need subjective advice when coming to countries for a short time.

  8.Be patient-bad markets happen and the so-called experts are just offering their subjective opinions.

  9.For, for well over a century now, economists say that value is something entirely subjective.

  10.Of course, entrepreneur evaluation, as well as opportunity evaluation, is a highly subjective process.

  11.Real-estate experts point out that valuing real estate is more subjective than valuing most other investments.

  12.Asked whether this reform should be sped up, al-Assad said a timetable would be subjective.

  13.With all the best intentions in mind, the rating process does include some subjective judgments.

  14.Here, he pushed the subjective-camera technique—putting the audience into the minds of his characters—to new heights.

  15.His subjective estimate also suffers from a lack of contemporaneous verification by records or other evidence.

  16.For patients and experts alike, there is a subjective core to every medical decision.

  17.Tonal quality is a subjective measurement, of course, and Stradivarius violins vary in their tones.

  18.These are the first set of experimental results on subjective well-being, the ONS says.

  19.Ricardo is building a database linking these subjective ratings to actual physical performance data.

  20.The fact that a placebo can lessen subjective measures of pain is not new.

  21.But many deal with programmatic issues that are subjective, and prospective, looking to the future.

  22.The reasons given for such a contention are, to say the least, highly subjective and debatable.

  23.Through additional objective and subjective analysis, they selected the best-managed company in each of 26 industries.

  24.Republicans say that manual counts are inherently subjective and inaccurate and are against them as a matter of principle.

  25.Some agency executives are sceptical about being paid for value, because it is so subjective.

  26.Admittedly, this is a subjective list, but I believe it to be quite accurate.

  27.The courts have long held that the IRS cannot use subjective, "value-laden" tests in administering nonprofit status.

  28.Moreover, accusing China of becoming more intimidating must be taken as a subjective (if not supercilious) perception.

  29.Granted, value is subjective, but Financo President William Susman says even luxury retailers can be considered value.

  30.No planner, no matter how wise, could possibly appreciate all the subjective dynamics lurking behind these numbers.


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