what about同义词


  英语what about是你......认为怎么样的意思,它的同义词都有哪些呢?以下是小编整理的what about同义词,欢迎参考阅读!

  问:what about同义词有哪些?

  答:How about ...?

  What do you think of ...?

  How do you like ...?

  How do you find ...?

  What do you think about ...?

  what about造句

  1. Now what about that shopping list? I've got to get going.


  2. "What about a liqueur with your coffee?" suggested the waitress.


  3. Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?


  4. This piece is, what, about a half an hour long?


  5. And what about racism and all the rest of it?


  6. "This thing with the Corbett woman."—"Oh, yeah. What about her?"


  7. "What about Sunday evening at Frank's?" — "Sure. What time?"


  8. What about my copier? Can you get it going again?


  9. What about my feelings?


  10. What about Sally? You've missed her out.


  11. What about going out with me tomorrow?


  12. What about that five dollars you borrowed from me last month?


  13. What about that grey girl in New York?

  纽约的那位白人姑娘你中意 吗 ?

  14. You are all going. What about me?

  你们都去, 我呢?

  15. What about a cuppa?

  想喝一杯茶 吗 ?

  16. Well, but what about the money?

  好吧, 但是钱怎么说 呢 ?

  17. What about the unfairness of life? Why do bad things happen to good people?


  18. What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me?


  19. Now you've talked about work on daffodils, what about other commercially important flowers, like roses?


  20. What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?


  21. What about getting new ones — Are you so tight you won't even spend three roubles?


  22. "The car, Annie," said Max rather grimly.— 'So okay. the car. What aboutit.'


  23. And what about when you were in the fifth year, did people give you careers advice on coming to college?


  24. "I don't like being in the house on my own." — "What about at night? Do you mind being by yourself at night?"


  25. " But what about the eighty - seven of your great record? "

  " 不过你上次创纪录的是八十七天,这怎么说? ”

  26. " Right, " Chueh - min agreed. " What about you? " he asked Chien - yun.

  “ 好罢, ” 觉民答应了一声,又回头问剑云道: “ 你走不走? ”

  27. But what about his feelings for T'ang Hsiao - fu last year.

  但是去年对 唐晓 芙呢?

  28. 'What about a liqueur with your coffee?' suggested the waitress.


  29. " Um. What about your meals? " " I managed, " he said, shrugging.

  “ 嗯, 吃饭 吗 ? ” “ 总算对付过来了, ” 他说, 耸了耸肩膀.

  30. What about debts, currencies or the stability of countries?

  债务 、 货币或者各国的稳定情况又 如何 ?

  31. Come, Mother. What about showing Myra to her room?

  妈妈, 请您带玛拉看看她的卧室 怎么样 ?

  32. What about the five thousand dollars I borrowed for you from Wu?


  33. After a minute's thought , he said, " What about dinner tonight? "

  他思忖了一会儿, 问道: “ 今晚上的饭呢? ”

  34. That will be three dollars. What about some of these apples?

  那要三美元. 再要些苹果 怎么样 ?

  35. But what about the ordinary person?

  但是普通人怎么样 呢 ?

  36. " What about the pen name you use regularly? "

  “ 常用的笔名 呢 ?

  37. What about you asking a factory - owner yourself?


  38. " Er, Miss Liu, what about Mei - ching? "

  “ 呵, 刘小姐, 你说阿眉 呢 ? ”

  39. What about the impact of foreign aid from rich countries?

  来自富国的外援的效果 如何 ?

  40. What about leaving it here and collecting it on the way back?

  把它先放在这里等回来时再取走 怎么样 ?

  41. I'm thirsty -- what about a drink?

  我渴了 ― ―来一杯, 怎么样 ?

  42. Have you ever been to Nanjing? No, never. What about you?

  你到过南京 吗 ?不, 从没到过. 你呢?

  43. What about your arms? Lift your arms up like this.

  你胳膊 怎么样 ?手抬起来,像这样.

  44. What about a cup of hot chocolate?

  想喝一杯热巧克力牛奶 吗 ?

  45. What about all those staff cars?


  46. What about washing the car on Sunday?

  礼拜天洗车 怎么样 ?

  47. " I won't try to stop you.'she said presently. " but what about us? "

  过了一会, 她才说: “ 你走,我不拦你, 家里 怎么办 ? ”

  48. As soon as he felt a bit better he asked, " What about the rickshaw? "

  刚顾过命来,他就问虎妞: “ 车 呢 ? ”

  49. Xing fell silent. Blacky was still angry . " What about tying a person upwithout cause? "

  兴旺没话说了, 小二黑反要问他: “ 无故捆人犯法不犯? ”

  50. There was no point in dwelling on the past, but what about tomorrow?


    雷同的同义词 陪同的同义词 随同的同义词 赞同的同义词 同伴的同义词 伴同的同义词 同伙的同义词 同意的同义词 如同的同义词 同党的同义词 同心同德的同义词 所见略同同义词 求同存异同义词 同舟共济同义词 welldressed同义词 同舟共济的同义词 同日而语的同义词 不约而同的同义词 分甘同苦的同义词 志同道合的同义词 不同凡响的同义词 风雨同舟的同义词 同流合污的同义词 就义的同义词 词藻的同义词 与众不同的同义词 同义词有哪些不同 同甘共苦的同义词 看的同义词 encourage的同义词 passed by同义词 常用同义词 同义词辨析 deeply的同义词 time的同义词 cant的同义词 探究同义词 小学同义词 避的同义词 拜托同义词 骄傲同义词 同义词辨析 visit的同义词 异曲同工的同义词 同病相怜的同义词 惨厉同义词 翘楚同义词 match的同义词 同意的同义词是什么 忠肝义胆同义词 疯狂的近义词同义词 随同的同义词是什么 raise的同义词 瞥的同义词 同义词成语 词不达意同义词 义无反顾同义词 参与的同义词近义词 真诚的同义词和反义词 哀怜的同义词 笔直的同义词 阐明的同义词 抄袭的同义词 表现的同义词 招架的同义词 畅通的同义词 庸碌的同义词 爱护的同义词 独特的同义词 毅然的同义词 依赖的同义词 自豪的同义词 欣赏的同义词 青睐的同义词 共同的反义词 观看的同义词 好看的同义词 瀚海的同义词 境界的同义词 志气的同义词 变法的同义词 文雅的同义词 自由的同义词 时时的同义词 热门的同义词 洗漱的同义词 拾遗的同义词 高大的同义词 研究的同义词 靠山的同义词 折服的同义词 卑劣的同义词 缉获的同义词 离间的同义词 俗气的同义词 风姿的同义词 赞赏的同义词 称誉的同义词 夸奖的同义词