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Below is some advice on how to prevent cancer: 阅读理解答案


Below is some advice on how to prevent cancer:

1. Eat Blueberries

Aside from being a healthy and delicious snack, blueberries contain pterostilbene, which has important colon(结肠) cancer-fighting prosperities. But wait, it gets better. Blueberries also offer a large dose of vitamins C (14 milligrams per cup). So at breakfast, try to take in a cup and a half of blueberries in your cereal or yogurt, or mixed with other berries.

2. Drink Pomegranate(石榴)Juice

The deep red juice of the pomegranate contains polyphenols, isoflavones and ellagic acid, which together create a powerful anticancer mixture. Most recently, researchers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison has discovered that 16 ounces of pomegranate juice per day also may inhibit the growth of lung cancer.

3. Relax

Feeling stressed or worried Find ways to relax and you reduce your chances of developing cancer. Purdue University researchers tracked 1,600 men over 12 years and found that half of those with high levels of worry died during the study period. Only 20 percent of the optimists died before the study were completed, while 34 percent of the extremely anxious men died of some type of cancer. Instead of stressing about the past or future, focus on the present and relax!

4. Take Selenium(硒)

Selenium is well known for its cancer-fighting properties. In a study of almost 1,000 men, researchers from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that when men with the lowest initial levels of selenium in their bodies received a daily supplement over a-4-year period, they remarkably cut their prostate(前列腺) cancer risk by 92 percent. However, it is possible to get too much of a good thing, so monitor your intake of selenium-containing supplements, Brazil nuts, tuna, meats and grains carefully.

5. Eat Sushi(寿司)

Seaweed may not be your idea of a great snack, but it is high in fiber, calcium and iron, and dry, roasted seaweed sheets used in sushi provide the additional benefits of vitamins A and C. Sushi rolls are also high in protein. So don’t skimp(节省)on the Sushi!

6. Breathe Clean Air

There’s no question that secondhand smoke kills. A recent American Journal of Public Health study showed that nonsmokers working in smoky places had three times the amount of carcinogen(致癌物质) in their urine(尿) than nonsmokers working in smoke-free locations. What’s worse, their levels of the carcinogen rose 6 percent for every hour worked. Nine states have banned smoking in all workplaces, bars and restaurants. The message is clear: Do whatever you can to avoid the cloud of smoke.

7. Break a Sweat

Even a small amount of exercise can offer major cancer-fighting benefits. In a study of 29,110 men published in The International Journal of Cancer, men who exercised just once a week had a percent lower risk of metastasis(转移性) prostate cancer than men who didn’t work out at all. The better the frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise, the bigger the reduction in risk, according to the study.

52.To prevent yourself from catching colon cancer, you should eat ________ as often as possible.

A. sushi B. blueberries

C. pomegranates D. Vitamin D

53. A person is very likely to catch some type of cancer if _________________.

A. he is very fond of exercise every day.

B. he is addicted to drinking

C. he is always feeling extremely stressed or worried

D. he likes to have meals in restaurants

54._____________________________ will remarkably reduce the risk of men’s prostate cancer.

A. Having a proper supplement of selenium

B. Drinking a cup of pomegranate juice every day

C. Breathing fresh air now and then

D. Taking exercise at least once a week

55.If you want to keep cancer away, it is completely important to ______.

A. have a daily supplement of vitamins B and C

B. try to ignore the secondhand smoking

C. take in as many selenium-containing supplements as possible

D. have exercise as often as possible








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