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The Man was very sad. He knew that the Cat's days were完形填空答案


The Man was very sad. He knew that the Cat's days were 11 . The doctor had said there wasn’t anything more that could be done, and that he should take the Cat home and make him as 12 as possible.

A 13 rolled down the Man’s cheek and landed on the Cat’s forehead. The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed 14 . “Why do you 15 , Man” the Cat asked, “Because you can’t bear the thought of 16 me Because you think you can never replace me” The Man nodded, “Yes”.

“ 17 up that piece of string from the floor-— there, my ‘toy’.”The Man reached over and picked up the string. It was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to 18 himself for hours with it. “Now take 19 end of the string in one hand.” the Cat ordered. The Man did so.

“The end in your left hand is my 20 and the end in your right hand is my death. Now bring the two ends together.” the Cat said. The man did so. Then the Cat continued, “You have made a continuous 21 . Does any point along the string appear to be different, worse or better than any other part of the string” The Man inspected the string and then 22 his head.

“Close your eyes.” the Cat said. “Now lick your hand.” The Man 23 his eyes in surprise. “Just do it,”the Cat said. “Lick your hand, think of me in all my 24 places, and think about all the pieces of string.”

Licking his hand, he discovered 25 a cat must know — -that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more 26 . He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned 27 into the first smile he had shown in days. He waited for the Cat to tell him to 28 , and when he didn’t, he opened his eyes. The Cat’s eyes were closed. The Man 29 softly the warm, brown fur with his fingers , but the Cat was gone.

One day, not long after, there was a new cat on his lap. She was a lovely and white one. It is very different from his earlier 30 Cat and very much the same.

11. A. gone

B. numbered

C. finished

D. ended

12. A. soon

B. lively

C. long

D. comfortable

13. A. tear

B. rain

C. sweat

D. water

14. A. impression

B. expression

C. passion

D. action

15. A. scream

B. yell

C. cry

D. call

16. A. killing

B. destroying

C. lacking

D. losing

17. A. Pick

B. Put

C. Pull

D. Push

18. A. help

B. learn

C. entertain

D. teach

19. A. each

B. both

C. neither

D. any

20. A. life

B. fate

C. origin

D. birth

21. A. string

B. circle

C. knot

D. rope

22. A. nodded

B. bowed

C. shook

D. bent

23. A. twinkled

B. broadened

C. widened

D. closed

24. A. familiar

B. similar

C. junior

D. superior

25. A. where

B. what

C. when

D. that

26. A. cleanly

B. clumsily

C. clearly

D. closely

27. A. upward

B. downward

C. inward

D. outward

28. A. come

B. go

C. stop

D. run

29.A. combed

B. patted

C. struck

D. rubbed

30. A. friendly

B. devoted

C. lovely

D. beloved


11—15 BDABC 16—20 DACAD 21—25 BCCAB 26—30 CACAD


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