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Period 3-4. Language learning

Step 1. Revision Ss retell the text with their own words.

Step 2. Language points

1. find /think/ feel it + adj./n + to do sth.

We find it important to learn English well.

I feel it a great honour to be invited to the party.

2. see sb. Doing See sb do See sb done

We saw him stealing the book from the bookstore just now.

He saw Tom go out of the classroom yesterday afternoon.

His neighbour saw him often beaten by his father.

3. Skin: The purse is made of crocodile skin.

be all skins and bones 瘦的皮包骨头

4. be cruel to Don’t be cruel to animals.

It is cruel of sb. to do sth. It’s cruel of America to bomb Iraq.

5. feel /be content with sth, be content to do sth.

People of the city feel content with their life.

Mary is content to sit in front of the television all night.

6. be worse off be bet ter off

7. astonish sb. with sth. to the astonishment of sb.

be astonished at sth./ to do sth

He said he could astonish us with a good result in the final exam.

To the astonishment of the teachers, he got the first in the competition.

The teachers were astonished at his getting the first in the competition.

The teachers were astonished to find that he got the first in the competition.

8. worn-out : adj. 穿破的 Worn out vt. vi 使…耗尽; 穿破/旧,

Cheap socks wear out quickly. I am worn out by the hard work.

9. failure un.失败 cn. 失败的人或事

His plans ended in failure. As a writer, he was a failure.

10. be loved by sb. for sth

Deng Xiaoping is loved by the Chinese for his great contribution to China’s construction and social reform.

11. star in : 担任主角 This is an old film starred in by Charlie Chaplin.

12. knock into He walked in such a hurry that he knocked into an old lady in the street.

Step 3 Learning about language

1. Ss do part 1 of the discovering useful words and expressions.

2. Ss finish part 2, 3 and 4

Step 4. Practice


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