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Period Two


Step 1 Listening

Have Ss listen to a piece of music and tell what kind of musical instrument the music is played with.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Have Ss tell as many kinds of musical instrument as possible by asking the question: What other kinds of musical instrument do you know? T collects kinds of musical instrument: organ, harp, piano, maracas, violin, saxophone, gone, cymbals, castanets, flute, timpani, tambourine, triangle, drum, xylophone, etc.

Step 3 Creating a situation (textual authenticity)

Have Ss work together with hisher partner. Take turns asking for and giving advice.

Student A

Student B

You want to buy a CD for your friend’s birthday, but you are not sure what to buy. Ask your partner to give some suggestions.

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to make a decision.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the sample dialogue and make sure what the dialogue is about.

Step 5 Practice

Practice reading the dialogue, using one of the names of musical instrument mentioned above to replace CD and paying attention to sentences of asking for and giving advice.

Step 6 Dialogue

Have Ss choose one from the following situations to create their own dialogue.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

You want to find a good song to dance to. You like dancing, but you are not sure what song you should play.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

Your classmates have asked you to pick a special song that will represent your class. It should be a song that everybody likes and that shows the spirit of your class. Ask your partner to help you.

Step 7 Demonstration

Have several pairs to demonstrate their dialogues.

Step 8 Sum-up

Have Ss think hard and summarize how to make suggestions and give advice and possible responses.(See Slide)

Step 9 Consolidation

Work in pairs or groups. Use one or more of the situations below to practise giving and asking for advice.

1. You want to learn to play the piano, but you don’t know how.

2. You would like to write a song about your mother, but you are not sure what you should write.

3. You want to learn an English song, but you don’t know which one.


1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Try to memorize names of different kinds of musical instrument.

Find as much information about music as possible.


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