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小编: :admin

After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. ________________
The neighborhood which I used to living in has changed 77.________________
a lot. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop 78 ._______________
across the street from our middle school were gone. 79.________________
There exist now a park that has a small river running 80.________________
through. The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and 81. _______________
Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 82. ______________
center has been built in their place. The market at the corner of 83. _____________
Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to 84. ________________
a supermarket. Besides the bookstore next to our middle 85. _______________
school is still there.
76. 【答案】in→from。句意是我离开家乡五年,away from属于固定搭配。
77. 【答案】 living → live。used to 后跟动词原形,表示“过去常常做某事请”。
78. 【答案】older → old。句中没有比较的意思。
79. 【答案】were → are。 根据上文可知饭店和鱼店消失都陈述的是现在的情况。
80. 【答案】exist → exists。 主语a park是单数第三人称。
81. 【答案】正确
82. 【答案】sports前加a。 sports center是可数名词单数,表示不确定。
83. 【答案】their → its。 前文中提到了名词The factory是单数,因此把their改为its。
84. 【答案】去掉been。短语give way to“让路”,用主动语态。
85. 【答案】Besides → But。前后表示转折关系。


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