

Tiny tot’s big adventure: Super Baby, a multimedia children’s play co-produced by Beijing Children’s Art Theater and Yeowoobi Animation Company of South Korea, is running at Beijing’s Cultural Palace of Nationalities.

Adapted from a popular South Korean cartoon book by Korean writer Cho Soo Min , the play tells the story of the voy named Siqing, who sets out in search of adventure with his friend Weiwei, a dinosaur, and a panda to rescue his kidnapped grandfather.

In director Hang Cheng’s eyes, it is a story of hope, dreams and courage.

He says it is a Chinese interpretation of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, and Cheng hopes it could inspire the young audience members to love one another, treasure friendship and pursue their dreams.

Time: 7:30pm, until August 26

Place: 49 fuxingmen Neidajie Street, Xicheng District

Tel: 400 – 810 – 1887 , 5905 – 9082

Lords of the rings: The Chinese Acrobatics Group, established in 1950, will put on a performance that includes traditional acrobatics, circus, magic, old Beijing folk plays and more.

The show blends music, dance, local opera and martial arts with acrobatics.

Time: 7:30pm, daily

Place: Tiandi Theater, Dongsi Shitiao, 100 meters north of Poly Theater, Chaoyand District

Tel: 6416 – 9893

Fooling around: dashan is taking to the stage with the otherwise all-Chinese cast of Chaoji Bendan, or Super Idiot. The play is an adaptation of the famous French comedy, Le diner de Cons (The dinner Game).

Dashan, or Mark Rowswell, is a Canadian who became a household name and popular TV host who speaks superb Chinese. He plays the role of Pierre Brochant, a successful Parisian publisher, who attends a weekly “idiots’ dinner”. Each guest must bring along an “idiot” for the amusement of the other invitees. At the end of the dinner, the vevning’s “champion idiot” is selected.

Time: 7:30pm, September 29~30

Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

Tel: 6416 – 9990

Classic comeback: Chinese drama classic The Top Restaurant (Tianxia diyilou) will be staged by Beijing People’s Art theater. Written by He Jiping, the drama has been one of the most popular Chinese theatrical works performed by the renowned Beijing People’s Art Theater. It has been staged more than 400 times since the premiere.

Time: 7:30pm, September 5~14

Place: Capital Theater, 22 Wangfujing Dajie

Tel: 6524 – 9847

Order now , you can get a 20% discount. More information, please click here

9.If you want to enjoy magic on Sunday, you can go to .

A. Red Theater B. Tiandi Theater

C. Poly Theater D. Capital Theater

10.The advertisements are about“ ”.

A. exhibitions B. meetings

C. stage performances D. western cultures

11.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Super Baby, a children’s play, is performing at Beijing’s Cultural Palace of Nationalities.

B. The Chinese Acrobatics Group can perform old Beijing folk plays.

C. Dashan is a popular TV host who speaks superb Chinese.

D. The Top Restaurant will be performed by He Jinping

12. This passage is most probably taken from .

A. a textbooks B. a magazine C. a newspaper D. a website







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